Signup to Team Solent Climbing

About us

Team Solent Climbing is your one stop destination at Solent University for all your climbing (and cake eating) needs!

We’re a friendly bunch of like minded students with a passion for rock climbing; whether you’re new to the sport or have been climbing for years we’d love to have you join our crew.

For any questions about our plans or if you are a member of Warsash and would only like to subscribe for half a year then please use our contact form or approach one of the committee members at a club night.

Billing Better

We have teamed up with the lovely people at Billing Better to help make student life and managing bills a little bit easier.

You can find out more here and use code STU_SOC for a special reward.


El Capitan (Silver)
£6 climbing after 4pm (Thurs)
£5 climbing before 4pm (Thurs)
Access to trips
Access to club equipment
Free t shirt after you join
Buy now